2019: A year in review

2019 was quite a year for me. As the year comes to an end, I want to reflect on my journey. This week I hit 85 pounds lost! I’m still amazed everyday. I went shopping this morning to buy some items for a terrarium I’m making. I walked past a store and saw my reflection. I almost didn’t recognize myself. I keep expecting to look at my reflection and see my old self. My primary goal in losing weight was for my health although I have to say shopping for regular sized clothes does feel good. The health benefits though have been amazing.

A year ago I was still working my way through my pre-surgical requirements. I met with my dietician and surgical team a few times before surgery. I had two sleep studies and got diagnosed with sleep apnea. I got a CPAP in February of 2019 and was required to use it for 30 days to qualify for surgery. Of all of the things I had to do, that one was my least favorite. It almost kept me from getting my surgery because I was so opposed to it. Every night I put it on I talked myself into wearing it the four hours so I could move forward. What didn’t kill me made me stronger! A few days before surgery my pulmonologist told me I would never get the surgery because of my sleep apnea. Thank goodness he was wrong and that I had an amazing surgeon.

I had two interviews with my psychologist because bariatric surgery changes your life in so many ways. The team does not make any false promises that weight loss surgery is easy! Those first few weeks were really challenging trying to survive on broth. Then the soft food phase and re-learning to eat with all of the nausea. Some days I barely ate 200 calories. I remember the first few days I hit 600 calories and was thrilled. Going back to work after three weeks felt right although was no easy task.

I was always worried I would eat and get ill before a big meeting. I learned to survive though and even master my new lifestyle at work. One trick that got me through was relying on tried and true foods that I mostly did well with. Now, that can change day to day even now 7 months out. I can eat fish one day and the next day it makes me sick. Overall though I was satisfied that in 7 months I only had to go home early twice from work due to nausea and vomiting. I learned new ways to eat, get more protein, stop early if nauseated, and master water intake.

I started swimming twice a week and doing other exercises in between. I am off of four medications including no more insulin. My blood sugars are well controlled on oral medication.

I have taken the good with the bad and in the end still feel it is all worth it. The hardest part for me though is losing my hair. I started losing a huge quantity of hair a few months ago. It has finally slowed down and slowly growing back. It is part of the GI surgery process.

Looking back at this year I have decided it was all worth it. I did this for my health and have accomplished that goal. I reduced my medications, improved my blood sugar which in turn reduces my chances of diabetic complications, I took excess weight off my Charcot foot, reduced my blood pressure, and I have so much energy. It all feels right.

Yesterday I turned 46 years old. This is a year that has haunted me for me for years. My mom died at 46 years old from diabetic complications. For some reason I always saw this in my future and maybe so much so that I almost let it come to pass. Then, I decided I was going to change that path and I did. I had the help of an amazing weight loss team, my husband and son, my sister, and the rest of my family. I will write more about my mom soon. I really believe in bariatric surgery for people like me.

Even if bariatric surgery is not right for you and you want to lose a few pounds or even learn to eat healthier, we can do this together. I still have to make choices each day to stay on the right path. Some days I do better than others. On the days I try though I feel good knowing I am moving in the right direction. I encourage you all to take time to reflect on 2019 and make small attainable goals for 2020. I am working on my goals now. I also think it’s important to focus on non weight loss accomplishments.

My non weight loss accomplishments for 2019 are all of the strides I’ve made in getting our finances and retirement accounts headed in the right direction. I’ve continued to be on work groups and lead committees at work. I’ve been able to support my teams much more than ever with my added energy. In my personal life, I continue to work on maintaining a good relationship with my family, my husband, and son. My son is turning out to be an amazing young man which is the best I could hope for. I love being a mom, wife, sister, daughter, and auntie!

I will write more soon and until then, all my best wishes as you reflect on this year and work towards goals for next year.
