Tips for Weight Loss Success

Hi everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to commit to writing again. Like many of you this has been a busy season for me and my family. As I’ve shared, being a healthcare manager during COVID has been rewarding, but also stressful. During 2022, my work role kept me hopping. At the end of 2022, the company I work for re-structured, and I moved to a lateral position, however managing two clinics.  I’m finally settling into my new role and with that came time to evaluate my goals. I was also fortunate enough to take a road trip with family this month to California. The picture above is from beautiful Monterey Bay. Taking time away was so much fun and gave me time to think.

I decided I want to keep trying to blog, for my own health journey and to help others who are on their own journey. When I created this blog, it was to share my journey after gastric bypass.

It’s been almost four years since my gastric bypass. I have maintained a net weight loss of about 90 pounds from my heaviest weight and 80 pounds since surgery. I hit a 95-pound weight loss a few years ago. Since that time, I gained about 25 pounds back. In September of 2022, I made the decision to renew my commitment to my weight loss journey and since then have lost 10 pounds. At the moment, I am sort of in a very slow trend down and I am okay with this.

One of the things I have learned in the last four years is that you really need to be ready to commit to losing weight or getting healthier. I’ve shared in the past that my goal was weight loss due to my health. I have really turned my health around and although I live with some chronic conditions, they are much improved. I have not regretted my weight loss decision at all.

Weight loss or getting healthier takes time, energy, and motivation. Being honest, I go between different levels of motivation. Moments where I’m in high gear and giving it my all and some days are less motivated. On the days I am less motivated and don’t have the greatest of days, I’m ready to do better the next day or even the next meal. It’s not all or nothing for me anymore. Surgery and my new lifestyle changed that thinking for me.

If you are ready to lose weight or get healthier, these are some tips I have for success:

  1. Write down your primary motivation for the change
  2. Consider what you need to be successful and the support system you will need or want available
  3. Offer your support to others in similar situations as this helps with accountability and motivation
  4. Plan and dialogue with yourself how you will handle moments that seem to interfere with motivation or your progress
  5. Engage with a healthcare professional such as primary care provider, nurse, or dietitian
  6. Consider also counseling or a behavioral health specialist
  7. Write down and plan for some non-food rewards for your victories big and small
  8. Start your goals with ones that are achievable and plan in increments

Here is a good article from the Mayo Health clinic about planning for weight loss success:

Weight loss: 6 strategies for success – Mayo Clinic

Feel free to leave me a comment or post a question. I am going to work on being more consistent in my writing over the next several months. Best wishes to all of you no matter what journey you are on.

Until next time,
