Thankful Thanksgiving

Let me be the first to admit I’m already listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies. I love Christmas time because of the atmosphere, movies, treats, music, Holiday window shopping, that overall feeling of good will, and so much more. So, now that I have confessed I can honestly say although I am already in the mood, I have slowed down a little to just enjoy Thanksgiving.

I have a lot to be thankful for and my wish is the same for all of you. Now that Thanksgiving is next week, it’s really time to plan. I am blessed that my sister offered to do the main meal this year and I know it will be a super feast. Tonight I’m searching for Jell-O recipes although in all fairness, my Jell-O recipes rarely turn out. Let’s hope this year is different. 🙂

I have a few recommendations for the start of the Holiday season and a few approaches. One approach is eating healthy in the next several days leading up to Thanksgiving. Take a look at my protein recommendations again, increase your intake of lean protein, enjoy fresh vegetables and fruit, and cut back on the treats.  Thanksgiving Day give yourself a day to indulge in all of your favorites. Enjoy all of the side dishes, main courses, desserts, appetizers, and beverages. Eating healthier up until the day will allow you a day of indulgence without a lot of impact.

Some people have shared with me they are unable to take this approach because one day of letting go would be followed by several days of getting back on track.  I do want to speak to intuitive eating in the future which allows for treating yourself in moderation when you want and moving away from the idea of “cheating”. Until then if you know yourself well enough, plan ahead for the big day. If you are following a weight loss program, plan for the big day now. If you are not cooking, take your best guess at what you will eat and chart it now. Then when that day comes you will feel prepared. If I’m not cooking, I tend to bring foods to the meal that I know I can eat. Eat out of the veggie tray or fresh fruits before the meal so you have less room for the side dishes and desserts. I hope you can plan to have a small bit of those treats and then feel glad you stuck with your plan. Be sure and drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and this will also help you feel fuller.

As for me, since my gastric bypass, I do not have an option of over indulging and I’m okay with this. I do still plan my meal ahead of time for my own sanity because surgery was just a tool and I still need to make the right choice. I can tell you I do plan to have a dessert or two even if it’s just a few bites. I also recommend avoiding the scale several days after Thanksgiving. Even when you follow your plan on that day, the extra sodium intake can cause some water weight. I find weighing the next day or two causes me to stress out.

Whatever approach you take, consider a family activity on Thanksgiving. My family has taken walks many Thanksgivings and this really helps combat the after-meal sleepiness and makes you feel alive. Breathe in the fresh air and find what you are thankful for.

May you all have a very blessed Holiday however you celebrate.

Best wishes to all my readers.


7 Day Meal Plan Part 3

As promised here is the last part of the 7 day meal plan. For those that have signed up via e-mail I will see if I can find a way to attach all 7 days together. Feel free to change this up a bit and add your own creations. I would also love for you to leave comments here or on Facebook about what has worked well for you.

This last weekend I spent time looking through older cookbooks for new recipes and found a few to try. Our challenge recently has been assuring we get a healthy dinner in with our busy schedule. My son is wrestling now and sometimes we are not getting home until after 7 o’clock. We are committing though to at least finding something at home to eat rather than fast food. I am pleased with how this is going. We cannot eliminate that completely because sometimes it really is easier to make a quick stop. We have greatly reduced this habit though which is saving calories and helping our budget.

For my next blog post, I’m working on an article about weight bias in healthcare and I will share it with you shortly.

Until then, here is Friday through Sunday.

Break.1/2 cup
Cottage Cheese
mixed with
1 oz cheese
2 Egg Whites
1 Tbsp chopped
2 Tbsp chopped
1 tsp pesto
1 tsp grated
1-2 Scrambled
Eggs with
diced onions,
bell pepper,
spinach or
2 slices
LunchCrab Melt:
2 oz crab with
1 tbsp light
1 tsp celery,
1 tsp green
2 slices tomato
1 oz cheddar
melted on
1/2 English
Tuna Salad:
1 can Tuna
1 Sliced Almond
1/4 sliced
Medium apple
1 tbsp chopped
1 tbsp salad
7 fresh spinach leaves
3 oz. baked,
or BBQ salmon
with preferred
1/4 cup rice or
1/2 potato
Vegetables such
as Brussels
sprouts, green
beans, roasted
in 1 tsp Olive
SnackProtein Shake1-2 cups
Popcorn, hot
air or microwave
1/2 apple or
1 oz deli meat
Cheese stick or
1 oz. cheese
1/2 apple sliced
with 1 tbsp
peanut or almond
DinnerSpaghetti made
with ground
beef or turkey &
canned Marinara
Sauce or
just add a can
of diced tomatoes,
a can of tomato
sauce and some
Italian seasonings,
serve over green
beans, Zucchini
noodles, or
favorite veggies,
with 1 oz Parmesan
or Mozzarella
3 oz seasoned
1/2 potato
Vegetables or
small dinner
salad with
1 tbsp dressing
2-4 Meatballs
1/3 cup
Zucchini Noodles
with Marinara
1 Tbsp Parmesan
SnackBean Salad:
3 Tbsp
2 Tbsp chickpeas
1 tsp fat free
salad dressing
1 Hard
Boiled Egg
1/3 cup cottage
1 oz nuts or
sunflower or
pumpkin seeds
6 oz Greek
1/4 packet ranch
Raw Vegetables
for dipping

Have a Happy Ending to your week!


7 Day Meal Plan Part 2

Here is part 2 of the 7 day meal planner. Hope you get some ideas from this planner. The last few days I’ve also been going through some old cookbooks to get some new ideas too.

Meal planning helps me stay on track. I buy groceries for two weeks at a time and then in between buy fresh fruit and vegetables. We rarely eat out anymore although once in a while is a treat. We used to eat out every Friday and now have cut back on that. It’s been a few weeks since we did. That said though I am a firm believer you can eat and stay on track at any restaurant. It’s hard these days for me to be able to enjoy a meal out though. If I do go out, I stick to a cup of soup or a small salad. I also share meals with my guys so that I am not overwhelmed by a big plate in front of me.

Hope to hear from some of you if you have ideas about high protein meals you’ve really enjoyed and recommend. Take care.

Meal Wednesday Thursday
Break Breakfast sandwich
made with ham or
½ Banana
1 tbsp peanut butter or almond butter
½ cup cottage
Lunch 1 can Tuna, light in
1 tbsp low fat mayo 5
crackers or serve on a
bed of lettuce
Green salad with fresh
2 oz. grilled chicken or
1 tbsp. salad dressing,
green peppers, red
onion, olives, 2 tbsp.
Snack Ants on a log:
2 tbsp soy nuts
2 tbsp.
light cream cheese 4”
long celery stick
Protein Bar
Dinner Grilled Halibut 3 oz.
Fresh green beans or
Broccoli steamed
½ cup pasta or
potato side dish
Chicken Salad Wrap: 1.5 – 3 oz. diced chicken breast
1 Tbsp.
light mayo
1 Tbsp. minced celery and
onion ¼” slice med
tomato 2 leaves
Romaine Lettuce
Snack ¾ cup frozen yogurt w/ some fresh fruit, 2
Pineapple blast ½ scoop
Nectar Vanilla protein
Powder 1/3 cup
fresh or canned pineapple
chunks 4 ice cubes
4 oz water

7 Day Meal Planner Part 1

Hope you are all having a great weekend. I have put together this 7 day meal planner using some of my favorite meals and papers my dietician has put together for me. This is a general guideline and I did not calculate the daily calories. This is a high protein diet and lower carb although not Keto. Always remember to check in with your healthcare expert to see what food plan is right for you.

If you get hungry at the end of the day, you can always add a fruit or vegetable with another small protein. I’m curious to see if you find you have more energy when eating lower carb and higher protein. My dietician has taught me to choose lean proteins first, then fruits, and vegetables and if I have anything left to choose whole grains or a carbohydrate. This meal plan does have some fruits and vegetables.

I am excited about trying some of the recommendations. For example, I do eat a lot of tuna. I’m going to add the celery to my tuna to change it up a bit. Have fun while giving this a try. You can always substitute your own favorite dishes. If you only eat vegetarian, I recommend talking to a dietician or doing some research on the web to find some good high protein recipes.

This might also help as the Holidays approach, eating this way in between parties and family gatherings. We still want to have some treats now and then and don’t want to completely deprive ourselves of that. Even though this guide does not list treats, it’s okay to have them once in a while.

Since I am still new to the blogging system, I am having trouble putting the whole table in at once, so I have divided into a few parts. Take care and good luck.

1-2 Hard-Boiled Eggs
2 Slices of Avocado
1 cup Oatmeal, high protein
with a few Tbsps. of fruit and a splash
of cinnamon or honey
LunchMexican Pasta Salad- or
similar – 1-2 cups
2 Cheese Sticks rolled in 2 slices of
deli turkey or ham
5 crackers
Snack1 oz. of nuts
1/2 cup fresh fruit
Protein Shake or smoothee:
Try Mocha protein
shake over some ice for an iced coffee
DinnerTaco Salad 1-2 cups
made with ground
turkey or lean beef,
black beans, lettuce,
tomatoes, sour
cream, olives, cheese
8 Tortilla chips
Homemade soup or Chili 1-2 cups
2 Tbsp. cheese
5 crackers
Snack6 oz. Greek Yogurt
with 1/4 packet
ranch seasoning
Raw Vegetables for
1/2 apple
1 Tbsp. peanut or almond butter
1 oz. nuts

Where to begin

Life can be overwhelming with busy jobs, personal lives, children, pets, and other commitments. Thinking about losing weight or getting healthier can be stressful. We see diet and health commercials wherever we look. What is the right plan for you?

First, I suggest slowing down a little. Take some time for yourself to make a list of your goals. I suggest finding a place with no distractions. I know this is not always easy in our busy lives although this is a must. Maybe your favorite coffee shop or a favorite spot you like to visit. Take a notepad or something to write on.

I would make a list of priorities. For example, maybe you are very healthy and want to get more exercise. Maybe you only want to lose a few pounds. I have shared before that it is extremely important to love yourself at any weight. If you are healthy, fit, and overweight, maybe you do not need a drastic change right now. Take direction from your nurse, dietician, or physician regarding your nutrition and weight goals.

List your goal though. When I did this, at the top of my list was all of my health problems. Type 2 diabetes, Charcot Foot, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea, etc. My mom passed away at 46 from the same problems and I was already in my mid 40’s. I was ready to make a drastic change. As I shared I have been successful on other weight loss programs which did keep my health issues at bay for a long time. It was in my late 30’s and early 40’s I could not seem to keep the balance any longer.

Bariatric surgery is not for everyone and I’m here to support you even if that is not your path. As for me, I will not regret my decision any time soon because the key is that it was right for me.

After you’ve made a list of your priorities, make a plan for how to get there. Perhaps the first step for some is counseling. Counseling and behavioral therapy can really help if you are struggling with self image, depression, isolation, eating disorders, or anxiety. This is really a great first step and takes courage to do it. You will not regret asking for help from a professional. Your therapist or counselor can also help you realize what your goals are and how to get there.

Whatever your goal, start easy and work into it. If it’s more exercise, decide what you will do and start with a few days per week. Your notebook paper should have your goals, a plan, and some ideas to get there. Once you’ve kept that commitment then build up to the goal. If you want to lose weight and do not know which program to use or where to start, maybe start with a basic app to start just tracking your current calories. Then slowly work to improve your targets. One trick I practice is if I eat way more one day than I should, the next day I do not stress about getting back to the right calories. Sometimes the next day my goal is simply to be under calories from the day before even if it is not meeting goal. It’s still a victory! You could even start more basic than this and spend some time just being more mindful around meal times and snack times. I’ve also known people including myself who did very well eating off a meal plan already made up and ready to go. I will provide some examples of this in the near future.

I want you to know it’s not always all or nothing. I still enjoy a treat now and then and I do count it. My goal in writing today though is to help you take the overwhelming out of not knowing where to start.

Please feel free to message me on Facebook or leave a comment here. I wish you the best as you start a journey whatever that journey might be.

Protein, protein, and more protein

Happy Monday to all of my readers! I went on a beautiful train ride this weekend and attached is one of the pics I took.

I thought I would send a brief message about protein today. It really changed things for my health when I started eating more protein and less carbs. This was pre-surgery as well. Again, it is not a Keto diet, just lower carbs and more protein. You should always check in with your doctor, nurse, dietitian, or healthcare expert about what is right for you. Some people cannot eat high protein or low carb due to certain disorders. My daily goal right now per my dietitian is 80 grams of protein and less than 80 grams of carbs. I am to focus on protein first and then what is left can have carbs.

I am not meeting that goal very often so yesterday I set out on a quest to work on this again. Before surgery I did great because food tasted great. After surgery, I am finding it much harder to find foods that sit well with me. This does get easier and now that it is, I need to increase protein. I am still losing weight when I eat higher carb although I have lost some lean muscle mass so protein is essential. Finding the right proteins for you is half the battle.

Before surgery I loved chicken and eggs. I am adverse to both of them right now. I can eat chicken if it is soft cooked, but only in small amounts. I will try eggs again, but so far they have not gone well. If you love eggs, chicken, and turkey, increasing your protein should be easier. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, checking in with a dietitian would be my suggestion. I am not well versed on either. I am not a big meat eater, but I do eat some meat.

I went on a quest this weekend at the store to find newer foods or foods I have forgotten about. I was getting in a rut, eating the same foods over and over. Part of this is just being human and the other is surviving post surgery. It is important though for me to adhere to my protein, so I’m really going to try.

Here is what I picked up at the store and what I’m trying: Special K cereal is high in protein and served with some fat free milk provides about 15g. Of course it does have some carbs so I will only choose this once a day. I picked up some snack packs that contain cheese and nuts. It is already portioned out so it takes the guess and temptation out of eating too much. Tuna is another favorite and has quite a bit of protein. I just add a small bit of mayo and eat it plain. I got used to not eating bread and pasta before surgery, but now they make me nauseated so I avoid them. I also love white fish and eat that when I get a chance, broiled is best. I picked up some chicken broth that has 9gm of protein and can be consumed right from the package. I got cottage cheese and some laughing cow spreadable cheese. I picked up a few cans of soup that I can strain the pasta from, but have vegetables, chicken and good broth. I also can eat eggs when added to a recipe, so I am going to try some new recipes. Like I love egg flower soup and may try to make this at home.

Dinner is always much easier because I do make hearty soups loaded with beans, meat, and vegetables. I often add a sprinkle of cheese to add more protein and flavor. I do eat carbs, but am now trying to save them for the end of the day. If I can get closer to my goal that will be great. I am at about 45-50 right now and need to get closer to 80. My surgeon prefers I eat my protein rather than drink the shakes, but I can if I need it. I also have some protein bars if I need them.

I will keep you updated. I was pleasantly surprised though how well my blood sugars and weight did when I ate less carbs. I felt like my inflammation was down overall and I felt better. Good luck to you and send me a comment if you’ve tried something new that is loaded with protein. Until next time,
