Celebrating non scale victories and with non food rewards

One NSV of mine is journaling for 257 days straight!

Along the journey it is so important to celebrate the non scale victories (NSV’s). I am also a big fan of celebrating some of those victories with non food rewards. I signed up for bariatric weight loss surgery so I could lose weight to be healthier. Weight loss though is only one measurement of success. It’s easy to get caught up in a number. My focus today is to celebrate the NSV’s so that you stay focused in that celebratory state. I hope that makes sense. It’s easy to start being negative when trying to get healthier and hard on ourselves. When we are feeling down, it’s important to be able to celebrate other successes.

Some of my NSV’s are more energy to do the things I want. I still have Charcot foot and may not be able to be as active as I used to be. That said, I have lots of energy to go swimming, spend time with my son, and overall find myself in a more joyous and happy state. I am off many of my medications which I absolutely love. My blood pressure and overall health has improved significantly. I have less chronic pain than I did before in my joints. My peripheral neuropathy will never go away, however my pain has improved. I sleep better at night and feel rested most mornings when I wake up.

In talking to my network or support group some of their NSV’s are clothes fitting better, airplane seatbelts that fit better, feeling more comfortable attending an event with stadium seating, learning to dance, being able to feel more satisfied with a smaller meal, looking younger, and feeling healthier. Another woman wrote about how she travels for work and her NSV is about how proud she is that she books her hotel in a place with a gym, finds time to work out, and researches food choices ahead of time. She finds ways to stay focused even during busy times traveling.

Rewards can be a fun way to celebrate your successes. I often reward myself with non food things. One example was a new movie that came to Prime and a TV series that came to Netflix. I made a deal with myself that if I stuck with my protein intake for a week, I could reward myself with that movie or show. I’ve also done a full body massage as a reward and another time I celebrated by purchasing a new purse. They do not have to be expensive items and you can even make a list of free ideas. Consider trying something new like an adventure you’ve always wanted, or save up for a vacation you have longed to take, a new craft you’ve wanted to try. One time before my weight loss surgery I got my exercise in and stayed within my daily food goals and then each evening watched an episode of my favorite show. The show had 6 seasons and I’m not joking that it kept me on track for three months. I stuck with my deal to myself and only watched the show on nights when I achieved my non scale goal.

Consider trying to set a non scale victory goal in the next week. Make it realistic and measurable and tie it to a reward that is non food focused. Make a list of your NSV’s that you’ve already achieved and those you want to achieve.

Spend some time truly feeling grateful for these non scale victories and set your mind to a state of victory and positivity. I realize we are all going to have moments we feel down for various reasons. That said, I find when I’m focusing on how far I’ve come and thinking about all of the good things I’ve accomplished aside from the scale, it makes me happy. It helps me stay positive even when I’m struggling.

Most recently my weight stayed the same for several weeks in a row. I was getting frustrated and letting that number rule my attitude on some days. I found the days I focused on NSV’s I was more grateful and felt more positive overall. Once in a while I do allow myself to feel upset and let those emotions come out, but I try not to live in that state.

Wishing you all the best in your victories! Wishing you all great health and happiness. Please share your NSV’s with me here or on Facebook.
