Game Changer: Distracted Eating Can Be A Good Thing.

Mindful eating experts might agree in order to enjoy food and slow down, you should not eat and watch TV, read a book, or be distracted in any way.  This often leads to eating beyond full. I did google it again and it looks like expert bloggers and food experts still agree on this.

I am no expert so we will start with that. I do however, disagree with this philosophy.  When possible, I do like to eat with my family. My husband and I have a fifteen-year-old son, so any family table time is essential since our time is limited. Since he has returned to school full time and now in the summer he is gearing up for Football, I don’t want to miss those precious moments.

When they are not available or want to watch a sports game, I enjoy a meal by myself. I start with a very small portion on my pretty little plates. After bariatric surgery we are asked to maintain food portions to one cup or less. Depending on the food I do about ¾ to full and sometimes a little more depending on my hunger level.

This morning, we still had a cool breeze and I cannot pass up a chance to sit outside. I bought new windchimes yesterday and hung them on my covered patio. Chimes dancing softly in the wind, the breeze with the whispers of the wind, and my homemade waffle with whip cream. I have a tablet loaded with three games I enjoy playing. One of my new ones is frustrating at times, but oh so fun. One of those cook the food and serve the customers before they get angry and leave. I start with a small bite of food, start my challenge, requiring my full attention. Then another small bite and another challenge. You can still enjoy each bite of food in between. The time it takes to complete the challenge before taking another bite allows my food to settle.

Give it a try and see if you fill up faster when you eat more slowly and more mindful of those bites. Reading has always been a favorite when I’m eating too. You should see some of the stains in my favorite books. I know die hard book fans will gasp at that because even turning an ear on the page is sort of taboo. That said, popcorn and a good paperback are hard to turn down. Truthfully, I have migrated to the use of digital for most of my media these days to keep our small home tidy.

I admit before I took this picture this morning, I cleaned my tablet, because of a butter smudge. I heard a radio jockey say this morning he lost eighteen pounds and felt better although finds eating really is entertaining. I agree and that is why my favorite games and eating go hand in hand. It’s relaxing and enjoyable to me. Reading is a little harder for me, but can be done if you put down your fork or spoon after each bite and read a few pages before another bite.

Find what works for you because you know yourself the best. If you find eating while reading or playing games is too distracting, forego it. I cannot say enough that I’m not an expert. I hold a registered nursing license, but do not give medical advise here. I share what has worked for me as I continue my journey after bariatric surgery.

I re-joined WW a month ago and I’m still struggling to stay on point (pun intended). What I have done on WW this last month is decrease my sweets, increase protein, and lose about 4 of the pounds I put on. My body seems to want to gain weight even while eating the same as when I was losing it. My guess is right now my age and my hormone levels. I always hope to share what I’ve learned in the chance it helps others. Perfect is not the goal here.

Oh, and one last piece of advice is some of these games allow in app purchasing which can lead to another problem. Therefore, I set limits for myself and have a few games loaded for when one is re-charging lives rather than spending money to get them instantly. Let’s just say this used to be an issue that I worked out and am feeling good about now.

May you all be well.
