Handling Holiday Stress & Eating

Happy Thursday and Happy Holidays to all of you! The Holidays can be an enjoyable time of year for many. It will always remain one of my favorite times of year. It is stressful though trying to get everything done in time and feeling satisfied with purchases and food choices.

Today I want to focus on both pieces of Holiday stress. I am sure most of your are finished or close to being finished with your Holiday shopping. This year we’ve taken a much more practical and frugal approach to Christmas. We try to focus on what people truly need. This year we are also throwing in some homemade gifts. To handle Holiday stress, I decide what my budget will be. I then make a list of family or friends that I buy for. I also include Holiday parties and gatherings where I must bring either food and/or gift. I then assign a number/portion of my budget next to the name of the person or event. I write some ideas out and then start my shopping.

In the past I’ve done a lot of on line shopping. I did a little this year, but admit I went to a few different stores this year to pick up my goods. I honestly checked online prices before purchasing in store this year and found the in store prices with the coupons were better in most cases. Some items I had to order online though because I could not find it in the store. For example, I needed some spices and freeze dried items for a homemade gift and found those much cheaper and readily available online.

Once I start shopping I start crossing off my list. I did not take my own advise this year so I’m going to try for this next year. My suggestion is to take your list and budget and if you get an item on sale, subtract the difference and stick that money in a savings account. This is a whole different subject, however recently I have been researching apps that link to your checking account. It rounds purchases up to the next dollar, pulls it into an automated investing account. I have plans to sign up for this very soon and will let you know how it goes.

This plan really helps with the Holiday stress around sticking to a budget and getting gifts that truly mean something. Other stress relieving ideas include getting a massage, trying an audio book, soothing music, or trying some yoga or other relaxation. Find a counselor or someone to talk to if the Holiday’s present bigger challenges. The key for me is feeling prepared and knowing if I stick to the budget, I’m going to feel better all around. If you really don’t have a budget for gifts, then give family and friends a card for a service you can provide them. As long as it comes from your heart that is all that matters.

Around the eating stress, I say this time of year try all kinds of things. If you really want that chocolate cake or cookie, give it a try. Maybe try a smaller portion of it or accommodate for it in your daily plan. I’ve been sampling cheesecake and cookies and still slowly losing weight or maintaining pretty closely. I have increased my protein quite a bit the last several days and just like at Thanksgiving have my Christmas meal planned.

Some great sources of protein include tuna, eggs, tofu, chicken, pork, turkey, low fat lean meats, cottage cheese, low fat cheeses, protein bars and shakes, and low fat luncheon meats. I made a pumpkin cheesecake and had a very small portion and it was so tasty. And because it had eggs and cream cheese, I got some protein in my dessert. You can’t beat that!

Lastly, planning the Holiday meal can be stressful. This year I started buying ingredients several weeks ago and by the time this week has rolled around I am more than ready. I have one or two items left to purchase. I overheard a great idea the other night and want to share with you. I heard a couple telling a friend that the Holiday meal planning was so stressful, they simply invite each guest coming to bring an appetizer and dessert to share. Instead of the big feast on Christmas, they share in appetizers and desserts. It works for them and decreases the stress of planning. Consider an idea like this one if the Holiday is getting closer and the idea of cooking a large meal is overwhelming. I do feel the years have helped me fine tune what I call my Christmas dance in the kitchen. I enjoy cooking the large meal, but if you find it stressful take comfort in knowing you could try something new!

Enjoy the Holiday season and I’m wishing you all the best.
