Happy Thanksgiving

Today is a day for giving Thanks and so I am going to spend some time today reflecting on this. Unfortunately I caught a bit of a cold this week. I have lost my voice which has been challenging because I do love to talk! My grandma used to say “This to shall pass” and she was right. So, although I’m starting the day with a bit of sniffles, I want to be thankful.

A year ago I was starting my new weight loss journey. I had made many weight loss journey’s in the past and have been successful on those as well. It was really only the last few years I felt like I could not get the extra weight off for my health. I made this new journey for my health and today I am thankful I have improved my health. My blood sugars are under control, my blood pressure is normal, I am off insulin now and a few medications. I could not be happier with how this has improved my longevity. Even though I still have a few battles, I have really evened the playing field and will continue to work towards improvement and total well being. Mind, body, and soul.

I read a quote this week from one of my Facebook support groups. A gentleman who has been through weight loss surgery said this is a journey not a destination. I take this to mean we still have to work at this each day and make it a priority. Surgery was a tool to help me lose weight and each day I still need to make choices. Some days those choices will be better than other days. It will not be perfect and I will make mistakes and I will move forward.

Today I am also so very thankful for my family and my extended family. My husband and my son are my life and although we argue just like any family, I am glad to have them in my life. They make me laugh and I love spending time with them.  I am fortunate to be close to my sister, my dad, my niece and nephew. Being a part of their lives growing up has been a true gift and we are still very close. I was also fortunate to marry into a wonderful family and we celebrated with them last Sunday.

I do hope you enjoy the Holiday today and get to sample a little of everything. I wrote last week about two different ways to handle the Thanksgiving meal.  Today I have already logged what I think I will eat and I’m feeling satisfied with it.

My recommendation the day after Thanksgiving is to eat a little more protein to recover from the carbs. I do plan to do some shopping tomorrow. I am a casual black Friday shopper though. No getting up at dawn to head out for me. I buy a few things, but mostly just enjoy looking and seeing what is out there for the season. We are having a frugal and thoughtful Christmas this year. For my food choices tomorrow though, I will likely start my day with a protein shake or bar to get it started right. I will likely eat a bite of lunch out and will go for some salad with protein like fish or chicken or perhaps some soup with beans and vegetables.

Whatever choice you make, please enjoy the Holiday and celebrate your reasons to be thankful and if you are feeling overwhelmed by this time of year, make a plan to reach out to someone you trust. The Holidays can represent a time of loss and talking to someone can help.

Be well and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
