Mandy’s Health Journey Update

Happy Friday readers! I have been trying to post all week. I’m sure you are all busy as well. My teenage son has transitioned from wrestling to football. He also plays in the band and so we had a band concert this week in addition to his wrestling practices. He also had a drama event last night and plans to audition for the school play. I am excited he wants to be so involved and do what I can to support this.

I am loving this blog journey too and hope to reach as many people as I can to offer encouragement and hope.

On Monday I took the three plus hour drive to the bariatric center where my weight loss and surgical team work out of. Every time I make this trip I give time to pause and think about my journey. I struggle with eating daily although do find many foods I can tolerate. I will never regret my decision though to save my life. This was the right journey for me.

I saw my dietician on Monday. The bariatric weight loss center has very fancy scales that give you your body weight, fat loss, lean muscle mass, BMI, water weight, and so much more. I’ve done this three times and have been able to compare along the way.

I have lost 76 pounds according to their scale. Ten of those pounds was lost pre-surgery from October of 2018 to May of 2019. From May of 2019 until this November, I have lost 66 pounds. I have lost approximately 72% of my excess body weight. My dietician and I talked about how to get my protein up. I know that keeps coming up right? I am still trying and finding it challenging, but last time was really only hitting 40-50 and now I’m hitting 60-70 consistently with a goal of 80. I’ve lost some more lean body mass, but it has slowed from last time. Another reason to keep the protein up. I have gone from a BMI of Obese Class II to just being overweight! BMI from 41 to 29.

I did ask her about my hair loss. Some GI surgery patients lose hair in this process and that is listed on the information I received before surgery. It is happening to me and fairly significantly. I told my niece I may need to get a wig or weave. I am really self conscious about it, but at the same time I do have a good body image. I try not to let it bother me. Many people in my personal life have told me when I wear my hair up, it’s not noticeable. It has given me new understanding though of what some cancer patients go through. In the large scheme of life and things that can happen, I also feel this is a small thing. It will grow back though according to my dietician.

We talked about the importance of vitamins and I’m grateful she is letting me take one less supplement a day. We reviewed my average eating log for a day and she gave me some tips. She actually gave me another sample meal plan which I happen to love these and have posted about those before. I’m working on a sample meal plan to share with all of you soon as well. Sometimes when you just don’t know where to begin, these are so helpful.

I shared with her my experience of being able to eat small bites of sweets now and then, but large quantities make me ill which is part of the surgery process. She said her goal for me is to get to about 160 pounds and see what that feels like. I’m getting closer every day. The weight loss does feel great, but just knowing I have drastically improved my health is the best reward for me.

Although the drive up and back is long, it is reflective. I thought about the beginning of the journey and commitment I made, the trips in between, my visits to the Psychologist, my pre op training, my post op training, and surgery day. I consider this a life journey because the surgery was a tool. It is not an instant cure for my eating disorder. I will need to work forever at this. I am taking each moment by moment and giving myself the credit for getting this far. I’ve learned many things along the way.

I thank you all again for reading. I will post again sometime this weekend a sample meal plan that is basic, but maybe something easy to start with. Tonight I am off to the theater. My son and I have season Broadway tickets. Tonight is Miss Saigon. Doing these little events when I can also helps me stay on track and keep me excited about this process. Tare care.
