New Year, New Resolution, New Goals, New Hope….

The New Year is here and I believe with that comes new hope. It’s that time of year where people set goals or make resolutions. For me 2019 was a good year. I went through my weight loss surgery, lost 85 pounds, gained my health, and decreased my medications. I have a lot more energy than before and feel like I can devote more time to my job, my husband, my son, and myself.

I have given a lot of thought to my resolution for this year and goals. I would still like to lose a few more pounds and tone my stomach and my arms. I did have this magical dream that losing all of that weight would result in a better body. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy with my transformation, but did expect more toned muscle and skin. So, I’ve decided to work on some strength training this year to help with that.

In my personal life, I’m working on my finances as a continuation from last year. I got our retirement accounts in order last year and this year am going to focus on some investments. I’m going to start small. This last weekend I sat down with a yellow small legal pad and wrote out every pay day for the year with itemized bills and financial goals. It was a lot of work and I know things can change and maybe need to be re-arranged, but it made me feel good and was worth my time. It helped me to see that this year I can make a difference.

I also resolve to be less quick to anger and upset at home. At work, I’m very even mannered and calm. My staff comment on this all the time. I’m not a raving monster at home, but sometimes I am quick to overreact. I am working on ways to improve this and slow down my thoughts. I love spending time with my family and look forward to that in 2020 as well.

I read a great article on setting New Year’s Resolutions that stick. I’ve attached a link to the article from Harvard. One of the suggestions is sharing your goals with others. I hope you will feel comfortable leaving a comment here or on Facebook about your goals. I’m hoping this year to continue with my goal of becoming a support to those around me. Here is the link:

Please also feel free to let me know what you want to hear more about or how I can support you. I continue with my belief that we need to love ourselves no matter what and I believe that you can be overweight and still live a healthy lifestyle. I was one of the people though that weight was impacting several health issues and some of my health issues were impacting my weight. Weight loss surgery was my answer and although it is a mixed bag, I do not regret the life it has given me back.

Best wishes and blessing to all of the readers who have joined me in my journey and on your own personal journey!


2 thoughts on “New Year, New Resolution, New Goals, New Hope….”

  1. There are so many snacks at work during the Holidays, nobody is craving them down my throat it is just hard to resist ??

    1. I apologize this took me a while to respond to. Thank you for sending in the question/comment. The Holiday’s are a big time for extra snacks and work can certainly add to this. I also find we do a lot of potlucks and special parties around the year, so food seems endless. I’ve been sampling some treats at work although working hard on taking one treat, walking away, and then making sure I do journal my treat. I journal every day so I can stay on top of what I’m consuming. It’s important to still have treats now and then because in the long run most people cannot totally give them up and we don’t want to deprive ourselves. My advise is to stick to a treat or two, journal it, and then move forward. If we have a potluck, I stick with my small plate concept and journal it as well. If I need to cut back on my dinner, I look to something that is low in calories but will fill me up like salad. I always encourage folks to talk with their clinician to find out what their daily limits should be. The biggest thing is to not expect perfection, but to try again the next day if you feel like you overindulged. Good luck.

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