Thankful Thanksgiving

Let me be the first to admit I’m already listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies. I love Christmas time because of the atmosphere, movies, treats, music, Holiday window shopping, that overall feeling of good will, and so much more. So, now that I have confessed I can honestly say although I am already in the mood, I have slowed down a little to just enjoy Thanksgiving.

I have a lot to be thankful for and my wish is the same for all of you. Now that Thanksgiving is next week, it’s really time to plan. I am blessed that my sister offered to do the main meal this year and I know it will be a super feast. Tonight I’m searching for Jell-O recipes although in all fairness, my Jell-O recipes rarely turn out. Let’s hope this year is different. 🙂

I have a few recommendations for the start of the Holiday season and a few approaches. One approach is eating healthy in the next several days leading up to Thanksgiving. Take a look at my protein recommendations again, increase your intake of lean protein, enjoy fresh vegetables and fruit, and cut back on the treats.  Thanksgiving Day give yourself a day to indulge in all of your favorites. Enjoy all of the side dishes, main courses, desserts, appetizers, and beverages. Eating healthier up until the day will allow you a day of indulgence without a lot of impact.

Some people have shared with me they are unable to take this approach because one day of letting go would be followed by several days of getting back on track.  I do want to speak to intuitive eating in the future which allows for treating yourself in moderation when you want and moving away from the idea of “cheating”. Until then if you know yourself well enough, plan ahead for the big day. If you are following a weight loss program, plan for the big day now. If you are not cooking, take your best guess at what you will eat and chart it now. Then when that day comes you will feel prepared. If I’m not cooking, I tend to bring foods to the meal that I know I can eat. Eat out of the veggie tray or fresh fruits before the meal so you have less room for the side dishes and desserts. I hope you can plan to have a small bit of those treats and then feel glad you stuck with your plan. Be sure and drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and this will also help you feel fuller.

As for me, since my gastric bypass, I do not have an option of over indulging and I’m okay with this. I do still plan my meal ahead of time for my own sanity because surgery was just a tool and I still need to make the right choice. I can tell you I do plan to have a dessert or two even if it’s just a few bites. I also recommend avoiding the scale several days after Thanksgiving. Even when you follow your plan on that day, the extra sodium intake can cause some water weight. I find weighing the next day or two causes me to stress out.

Whatever approach you take, consider a family activity on Thanksgiving. My family has taken walks many Thanksgivings and this really helps combat the after-meal sleepiness and makes you feel alive. Breathe in the fresh air and find what you are thankful for.

May you all have a very blessed Holiday however you celebrate.

Best wishes to all my readers.
